Outreach Opportunities:
Adopt-a-Missionary now LIVE!
See Pastor Mike to connect with one (or more) of our missionaries - encouragement and accountability. Find a missionary and encourage them, informing the church of their needs.
Third Thursday of Every Month- 7 PM
Union Gospel Mission - come help us pray for and serve the Sacramento Community
First three Saturdays - 8 AM - Men's Prayer Breakfast. Join us for food and fellowship and a devotional around God's word.
Sunday Afternoons - Nursing Home ministries - See Mike Randall and David Hedger for information on availability and needs.
TBA - In Process - Need Help - Martha's apartment ministry - feeding the community and sharing the gospel
TBA - In Process - Need Leader to run Community Outreach - soul winning, door-to-door, homeless ministries
Preaching and Bible Study
Sunday Mornings 10 AM - Adult Sunday School in the main auditorium - Pastor Mike is covering the book of Genesis; Children and Teens' Sunday School available for Elementary and Highschool.
Midweek Services (Wednesday 7 PM) - Prayer meeting from 7-7:30; Bible study through "Twisted Scriptures" afterward.
Upcoming Special Events
Thursday, February 6 - Saturday, February 8 - UNCON Board Gaming Camp at Wolf Mountain -
Pastor Mike will be the speaker at the event.