to those visiting for the first time.
What do I wear?
Whatever you're comfortable in - we're a family-oriented church, and we'll have people in suits and people in jeans. Don't worry about it.
Where do I park?
We have plenty of parking right in front of our building, with several spots reserved for guests.
I don't have a Bible.
We have plenty here you can use, and if you don't have one of your own, feel free to keep it. We'll preach out of the KJV, but if you have another one, just understand it might read a little differently as we preach. If you think that will be a distraction, feel free to grab one from the back of the auditorium (or ask an usher for help)
What about my kids?
Bring them along - we'll have nursery for the littles (just check in with the greeter and they'll show you where!) and we have Sunday School and kids church for the older kids (again, just check in and we'll direct you)
And... money?
We love supporting missionaries and homeless ministries, taking care of people in the church, etc... so we do take a weekly offering, but you're under absolutely no obligation to participate. All we'll ask is for a way to reconnect with you in case you want prayer or help.
What if I need help?
Let us know. We'll be there for you. God has given us so much and we desire to show that love to others.
Which service should I come to?
No service will be a waste of your time
three service times on Sunday
9 AM tends to be more of an informal Bible study
10 AM tends to be more of a "push to a decision" message
6 PM is typically a topical study through something from Proverbs, and Wednesday night mirrors some of the Sunday School, with an extended prayer time at the beginning.
Outreach Opportunities:
Adopt-a-Missionary now LIVE!
Accountability, Encouragement, Support - Find a missionary from and encourage them through e-mail, letters, or phone calls, informing the church of their needs. See Pastor Mike for more information.
Union Gospel Mission Community Outreach!
come help us pray for and serve the Sacramento Community. Third Thursday of Each Month. See Mike R for more information.
Nursing Home Ministries - Sermons, singing, and encouragement of community elderly through multiple nursing home ministries - Sunday Afternoons, subject to quarantine conditions that change regularly. See Mike R. or David H. for more information.
Men's Prayer Breakfast - Join us for food and fellowship and a devotional around God's word. First three Thursdays of the month, 8 AM. See Peter G. for more information.
TBA - In Process - Need Help - Martha's apartment ministry - feeding the community and sharing the gospel
TBA - In Process - Need Leader to run Community Outreach - soul winning, door-to-door, homeless ministries
Preaching and Bible Study
Sunday Mornings 10 AM - Adult Sunday School in the main auditorium - Pastor Mike is covering the book of Genesis; Children and Teens' Sunday School available for Elementary and Highschool.
Midweek Services (Wednesday 7 PM) - Prayer meeting from 7-7:30; Bible study through "The Armor of the Lord" afterward.
Upcoming Special Events
Thursday, March 6-8 - Men's Retreat at Wolf Mountain. Bring money and registration to church and we'll pay together once we get to the camp.
Sunday, March 9 - Special Evangelistic Services with Rob Watkins -